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Do you prefer to go deeper instead of staying on the surface? Then our regular workshops lasting several hours offer you a wonderful platform to rediscover yourself. Here you can clarify pressing questions about yoga, here you will find yourself in a process of acceptance of what is. You leave your yoga mat with a deep understanding of your situation in serene serenity and can blossom like the lotus flower.

Upcoming Workshops

Information about the Workshop 15 December, 2024

Meditation in Yoga

What It Is – and What It Is Not

Observation (Pure Awareness) vs. Perception

Do you long for peace, stillness, inner serenity? Or perhaps for insight and wisdom, for the experience of bliss that transcends all painful life experiences?

Do you think or believe you’ve meditated before?

The misunderstanding about what meditation truly is may be almost as vast as the number of people claiming to practice it.

In meditation, a person enters a state of profound discernment, known as Vivekakhyati, in which they clearly realize they are the unchanging, pure consciousness called Purusha, while the phenomenal world, Prakritiwhich includes their physical body, thoughts, feelings, and emotions — is merely a temporary manifestation. In this state, the individual is completely free from illusions, attachments, and identifications. They dwell in a state of clarity, peace, and freedom, with an unshakable understanding of their true nature and of reality.

In the meditative state, called Prajna, one recognizes that the individual ego is merely a construct. The person no longer lives from the ego-consciousness but from the awareness of the Self or emptiness, Shoonya.

Meditation is a state of awakening and thus involves the experience of Prajna. This means not merely intellectual knowledge but direct, intuitive insight into the true nature of existence is attained.

The individual perceives the unity behind diversity and understands that the dualistic separation between "I" and "the other," created by Asmita (egoism), is merely an illusion, Maya.

In meditation, the individual is freed from the painful existence, known as Dukkha, because they have transcended the root cause of suffering, Avidya (ignorance of their true nature), and its consequences, Raga and Dvesha (attachment and aversion—also referred to as greed and hatred). In this state, all illusions, deceptions, dualistic thinking, and the ego are transcended.

Through this, the person experiences a state of inner freedom, referred to as Kaivalya, Moksha, Nirvana, Brahman, Atman, Parasamvit, and more. This state is not only characterized by intuitive insight, inner freedom, and clarity but also by an overwhelming compassion for all beings.

In this state, the individual also experiences themselves as a pure, unchanging source of light, known as Akhanda Jyotir, the eternal light of consciousness and pure, true love. This experience of unity, clarity, enlightenment, and the universal Self bestows an indescribable bliss, Ananda.

Learn and practice techniques in this Sunday workshop that, over time, can lead you into this deeply liberating, blissful, and all-knowing state of consciousness.

Applied in daily life, these techniques can also help you lead a happier, more understanding life—one filled with cheerfulness and equanimity, especially in times of recurring uncertainty.

Discover the profound meaning of meditation according to the Yoga and Tantra traditions, as well as its true mystical significance through:

•    Yoga Darshana (philosophy) demystified
•    Asana
•    Pranayama
•    Concentration and Meditation Techniques
•    Mantra and Sound

Cost: CHF 150.- to be transferred in advance via Twint, including your name and the workshop date, to 079 416 19 02


Infos to the Workshop 26 January 2025

Topic and description follows here soon

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